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insanity 翻譯:精神錯亂,精神失常, 瘋狂;失去理智。了解更多。

Insanity在insanity - 精神病,精神錯亂,瘋狂 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙的討論與評價

insanity. 以insanity 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文 ...

Insanity在insanity - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果的討論與評價

瘋狂;精神錯亂[U];【律】(被認為行為者可免負法律責任的)精神失常[U]. Dr.eye 譯典通 · insanity · 查看更多. IPA[ɪnˈsænəti]. 美式. 英式. n. 精神失常;極端愚蠢 ...


    Insanity在Insanity - Wikipedia的討論與評價

    Insanity, madness, and craziness are terms that describe a spectrum of individual and group behaviors that are characterized by certain abnormal mental or ...

    Insanity在Definition of insanity - Merriam-Webster的討論與評價

    3a : extreme folly or unreasonableness the insanity of violence His comments were pure insanity. b : something utterly foolish or unreasonable the insanities of ...

    Insanity在法律上的精神失常,legal insanity,元照英美法詞典- 免費線上查詢!的討論與評價

    legal insanity. 中文. 法律上的精神失常. 解釋. 指任何情形的精神錯亂達到足夠嚴重的程度,使得患者不具有法律上的能力或資格〔legal capacity〕,也不承擔刑事責任或 ...

    Insanity在Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity (Official 4K Video) - YouTube的討論與評價

    Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity (Official 4K Video)Travelling Without Moving 25th Anniversary Vinyl ...

    Insanity在Nightcore - iNSaNiTY - YouTube的討論與評價

    iNSaNiTY The weight of the air is torture PSYCHoPaTHY Don't know who I am anymore iNSaNiTY The ...

    Insanity在Insanity Workout Program - Shaun T - YouTube的討論與評價

    Like our page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lily-Stokes-FitnessPersonal-Training/240666469461760.

    Insanity在insanity - Chinese translation – Linguee的討論與評價

    Many translated example sentences containing "insanity" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.

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